Panel Royale
Hey, this is Andy! Panel Royale is my baby; a match-3 battle royale game inspired by Panel de Pon! Switch blocks in the well horizontally to make combos and chains. The bigger your combos and chains, the more trash you send to smoosh your opponents. Last one not smooshed wins!
As of June 2024 Panel Royale is available to play for free at PanelRoyale.com!
During initial development Panel Royale was available on itch, and we tested it with the help of everyone in our discord server. Thanks to all those who helped, but the discord is unfortunately totes dead n closed at the moment. x_x
This is the list of updates that have taken place since the CrazyGames release in February 2020. It's helpful to document this stuff!
February 2020 - Present
Privacy Policy
To make a recoverable account in Panel Royale, you currently need to use an email address. So we figured it'd be safe to make a privacy policy available.